Apr 10 - The Networked Public Sphere

DUE: FunkyEDU updates

Wiki location: http://media.mmm.edu/wiki

2 substantive original entries [150-200 words each]
3 substantive edits of existing entries

Email me the 5 links to your entries by Monday night.

  • note, in place of a text-based entry, you can upload a layout/image/design of your own creation. Uploading images you find online does not count here.

  • suggestions - the faculty page is starting to develop. Think about what other sections are needing attention or creation.

the Evolution of Cooperation
The Prisoner's Dilemma


The Wealth of Networks: Chapter 7. Political Freedom Part 2: Emergence of the Networked Public Sphere by Yochai Benkler

Yochai_Benkler-Wealth_of_Networks_Ch07.pdf1.48 MB