
Learning Goals

  • You will be able to publish (design, write, publicize, maintain) a blog dedicated to a topic(s) of your choice.
  • You will be able to make contributions (design and content) to wikis and other online collaborative authoring environments.
  • You will be able to discuss concepts of privacy and social networks as they relate to your digital identity.
  • You will be able to discuss the relationship of participatory culture to notions of citizenship and democracy.
  • You will be able to present and articulate your ideas to others in a variety of environments, both online and offline.

Textbooks and Materials

generosity and good will

required texts:
all required readings will be handed out in class or available online at:

Grade Weights

Participation: 10%
A large amount of class time will be dedicated to group critiques, team projects and class discussion. I encourage you to take an active role in contributing to make our class a fun and dynamic place to be.

Weekly Share: 5%
One week you will collaborate with a classmate to share or give something to the rest of the class. Each group will be given 10 minutes at the beginning of class. Each "share" will be posted to the class website for futher discussion. You could make something, juggle something, demonstrate something, sing something, etc, etc.

Qwik Writes 10%
Occasionally I will give "pop" in-class writing assignments, in which you will be asked to make critical reflections on the day's readings.

Citizen Journalism 20%
You will develop and maintain your own blog over the course of the semester. In writing your blog you will strive to develop a unique and personal voice about topics that are interesting and important to you. You will experiment with connecting and communicating with your readers.

Collective Intelligence 20%
As a class, we will engage in an experiment about massive authorship. Over the course of the semester, we will use a wiki, a form of collaborative software, to collectively research, write and visualize a specific topic. You will write a reflective essay comparing and contrasting your experience of writing an individual blog to co-authoring a wiki.

Your Public/Private Self 10%
Assignment details forthcoming.

Your Social Network 10%
Assignment details forthcoming.

Final Paper/Project: 15%
This project will be self-initiated and should integrate many of the skills/concepts you will learn this semester. When the time comes I will suggest possible topics and approaches. You will have the option of working individually or collaborating with other students.

Digital Media Lab

Work in the lab with a friend - when learning new technology, 2 brains are usually better than one. You are welcome to work on your assignments at home but many students use the Digital Media Labs in room 556 or 559. Lab hours will be posted after the first week of classes. Students may not use the lab when another class is in session. If the lab is locked during regular lab hours you may get a key from the Security Desk.

Attendance Policy

Attendance will be taken in each class. You are allowed one unexcused (no questions asked) absence, after which your final grade will drop substantially with each absence. In the event that an extraordinary circumstance will require you to miss a class, please let me know ahead of time, by calling me, or by email.


Students with disabilities who require reasonable accommodations or academic adjustments for this course must either enroll in the Program for Academic Access or register with the Office of Student Support Services. For any accommodation, the instructor must be presented with either a letter from the Assistant Director of the Program for Academic Access or an Accommodations Card from the Office of Student Support Services during the first week of classes.

Academic Honesty Policy

MMC fosters an academic community where students and faculty work together to create a learning experience that imparts knowledge and forms character. To achieve this, the College requires all members of the community to adhere to the policy of Academic Honesty that can be found in the Student Handbook, the College Catalogue and on the College website.