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counting for 49 hours

Sep 26 2007

Thanks to Alex for contributing these screenshots of me counting.

Alex writes, "So, a few minutes ago I took the screenshot below. Then, not 30
seconds later, I accidentally dropped a folder onto the firefox
window, and shut you up ...after 49 hours!"

Anyone out there up for challenging his record?

37 Hours - 35,13537 Hours - 35,135

49 hours - 46,11849 hours - 46,118

Henry said I couldn't ...

Sep 20 2007

My friend Henry Samelson said I couldn't count to 1 million. But what does he know?

This is a basic experiment in speech synthesis - I hope to post more versions soon.

Please let me know if you have suggestions or feature requests for this counting machine. Also, feel free to pose other silly challenges (now that I'm a dad, I've got loads of free time - so bring it!).

The best thank you card ever

Dec 1 2006

Hilarious flash animation of 1 million thank yous. How many did you listen to?